Agenda from the 3rd Annual Quality Conference (2012)

Resolving Socioeconomic Stressors for Stronger, Healthier Women: Innovative models of care and how to fund them.


5:00-5:30 PM    Registration, Buffet Dinner and Networking

5:30-5:35 PM    Conference Opening
Mary Reich Cooper, MD, JD Co-chair, Women’s Health Council of RI

5:35-6:20 PM    Healthy Women 2020: Key Focus Areas and Objectives
Michelle Berlin, MD, MPH Oregon Health & Science University

6:20-6:35 PM    Socioeconomics for RI Women
Linda Katz JD Co-founder and Policy Director, Economic Progress Institute

6:35-7:20 PM    Panel 1: Innovative Care Models
Facilitator: Nelly Burdette, PsyD The Providence Center
Sonia Sarkar, MPH Chief of Staff to the CEO, Health Leads
Betty R. Vohr, MD Director, Neonatal Follow-Up Clinic, Women and Infant’s Hospital
Angela Reda, RN Providence Community Health Centers

7:20-7:35 PM    Christine Ferguson, JD Director, RI Health Benefits Exchange

7:35-8:20 PM    Panel 2: Innovative Payment Models
Karen Rosene-Montella, MD Co-chair, Women’s Health Council of RI
Andrea Galgay, MBA Manager of PCMH Performance – Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island
Tracey Cohen, MD Medical Director, Neighborhood Health Plan of RI
Renee Rulin, MD, MPH Medical Director, RI Medicaid, United Health Care

8:20-8:40PM  Q&A
Carrie B. Feliz, MPH
Providence Public School Department

8:40-8:45PM  Closing Remarks
Karen Rosene-Montella, MD Co-chair, Women’s Health Council of RI