Agenda from the Adolescent Girls’ Healthcare Workshop (2012)

Talking with Teens: A Practical Approach

Panel Dialogues between youth leaders and the providers who care for them.


5:00-5:50 PM    Registration, Box Dinner and Exhibition Viewing

5:50-6:00 PM    Workshop Opening Mary Reich Cooper, MD, JD

6:00-6:20 PM    Introduction: A Strengths-Based Approach Patricia Flanagan, MD

6:20-7:35 PM    PANEL DIALOGUES: Introductions by Rosa E. DeCastillo
PANEL 1    Teen Pregnancy: Prevention, Behaviors, Resources
Beata Nelken, MD
Jenylez Hance-Paneto
Adrian Molina
PANEL 2    Teen Substance Abuse: Prevention, Behaviors, Resources
Selby Conrad, PHD,
Colleen Hench
PANEL 3    Health Issues in the Teen LGBTQQ* Community: Prevention, Behaviors, Resources
Michelle Forcier, MD
Anita Parenty

7:35-7:55  Panel Q&A
Maureen Phipps, MD, Facilitator

7:55-8:00 Closing Remarks
Mary Reich Cooper, MD, JD

*LGBTQQ: Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, Transsexual, Queer and Questioning