Agenda from the Healthy Eating for a Healthy Heart Conference (Spring 2016)

A practical workshop that focuses on the real issues of healthy eating, accessing healthy food and coaching your patients to change their behavior and their health.


5:00-5:30    Dinner, Networking

5:30–5:40    Welcome
Carrie Bridges Feliz, MPH, and Peg Miller, MD, FACP Co-Chairs Women’s Health Council of RI

5:40-6:00    Making Sense of Diet Recommendations for Heart Health
Chef Todd Seyfarth, MS, RD, CSSD, Department Chair and Program Director, Department of Culinary Nutrition, Johnson & Wales University

6:00-6:50    Panel Discussion: Solving the Critical Access Problem
FACILITATOR: Jennifer Thiesen, MS, RNP, Director Care Transitions, Lifespan
PANELISTS: Eliza Sutton, MPH, Food Access Manager, Thundermist Health Centers Amy Nunn, MS, ScD, Executive Director, Rhode Island Public Health Institute Michelle N. Karn, MA, Communications Director, American Heart Association

6:50 – 7:45    Coaching Your Patients to Yes for Healthy Eating
Eileen Hayes, LICSW President & CEO, Amos House, Includes role playing

7:45-8:00    Feedback, Q&A and Closing Remarks
Karen Rosene-Montella, MD, FACP, Chair Women’s Health Council of RI

Agenda from the Inaugural Quality Conference (2010)

For people who take care of women: This Inaugural Conference introduced a new approach to providing quality women’s health care well beyond the traditional breast and gynecological focus.

Buffet Dinner 5:00-6:00 PM
Symposium 6:00-9:00 PM

Agenda from the 2nd Annual Quality Conference (2011)

This year’s Conference explores common themes that have come to define the Women’s Health Council of RI:  Collaboration among members of many disciplines, practical application of new ideas, and the present push to bridge physical and behavioral health. The event showcased the Council’s areas of focus to date:  Women’s Health in terms of obesity and exercise, Intimate Partner Violence, Smoking Cessation, Pregnancy as a health stress test, and a new focus on Bridging Physical and Behavioral Health in the area where women are at high risk: depression and suicide.


5:00 – 6:00 PM Buffet Dinner and Networking

6:00 – 6:30 PM Welcome and Introductions
Karen Rosene-Montella, MD

6:30 – 7:30 PM The Intersection of Physical and Behavioral Health
Linda Carpenter, MD
Teri Pearlstein, MD
Beatriz Perez, MPH

7:30 – 7:50 PM Keynote Address “National Prevention Strategies”
Vice Admiral Regina M. Benjamin, MD, MBA, U.S. Surgeon General

7:50 – 8:30 PM Panel Discussion
Vice Admiral Regina M. Benjamin, MD, MBA
Lt. Gov. Elizabeth Roberts
Teri Pearlstein, MD
Linda Carpenter, MD
Beatriz Perez, MPH
Lisa Shea, MD, Facilitator

8:30 – 8:50 PM Q&A Session with Audience
Rebekah Gardner, MD, Facilitator

8:50 – 9:00 PM Closing Remarks
Mary Reich Cooper, MD, JD



Agenda from the Physical & High-Risk Behavioral Health Workshop (2012)

Managing Women’s Physical and High-Risk Behavioral Health Practical Solutions.


5:00-5:30 PM    Registration, Buffet Dinner and Networking

5:30-5:35 PM    Welcome
Karen Rosene-Montella, MD

5:35-5:45 PM    Workshop Opening
Margaret Howard, PhD

5:45-6:00 PM    Public Health Perspective
Michael Fine, MD

6:00-6:45 PM    Managing Physical Health and Prescription Drug Misuse
Rebekah Gardner, MD Facilitator
Catherine L. Friedman, MD Women: Patterns of Substance Abuse
Alison L. Croke, MHA System-Based Approaches to Prescription Drug Misuse
Michael J. Maher, MD Better Tools from a Physician’s Perspective

6:45-7:00 PM    Panel Q&A

7:00-7:15 PM    Community Health Perspective
Jane Hayward, President & CEO, RI Health Center Association

7:15-8:00 PM    Physical Health and High-Risk Mood Disorders
Lisa Shea, MD Facilitator
Linda Carpenter, MD Women: At Risk for Depression and Suicide
John R. Jordan, PhD Gender-informed Suicide Risk Assessment
Beatriz Perez, MPH A Public Health Approach to Suicide Prevention

8:00-8:15    Panel Q&A

8:15 Closing Remarks
Carrie Bridges, MPH

Agenda from the 3rd Annual Quality Conference (2012)

Resolving Socioeconomic Stressors for Stronger, Healthier Women: Innovative models of care and how to fund them.


5:00-5:30 PM    Registration, Buffet Dinner and Networking

5:30-5:35 PM    Conference Opening
Mary Reich Cooper, MD, JD Co-chair, Women’s Health Council of RI

5:35-6:20 PM    Healthy Women 2020: Key Focus Areas and Objectives
Michelle Berlin, MD, MPH Oregon Health & Science University

6:20-6:35 PM    Socioeconomics for RI Women
Linda Katz JD Co-founder and Policy Director, Economic Progress Institute

6:35-7:20 PM    Panel 1: Innovative Care Models
Facilitator: Nelly Burdette, PsyD The Providence Center
Sonia Sarkar, MPH Chief of Staff to the CEO, Health Leads
Betty R. Vohr, MD Director, Neonatal Follow-Up Clinic, Women and Infant’s Hospital
Angela Reda, RN Providence Community Health Centers

7:20-7:35 PM    Christine Ferguson, JD Director, RI Health Benefits Exchange

7:35-8:20 PM    Panel 2: Innovative Payment Models
Karen Rosene-Montella, MD Co-chair, Women’s Health Council of RI
Andrea Galgay, MBA Manager of PCMH Performance – Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island
Tracey Cohen, MD Medical Director, Neighborhood Health Plan of RI
Renee Rulin, MD, MPH Medical Director, RI Medicaid, United Health Care

8:20-8:40PM  Q&A
Carrie B. Feliz, MPH
Providence Public School Department

8:40-8:45PM  Closing Remarks
Karen Rosene-Montella, MD Co-chair, Women’s Health Council of RI

Agenda from the Heart of a Woman: Emerging Prevention and Treatment Options Conference (2015)

Heart of a Woman: Emerging Prevention & Treatment Options

A multidisciplinary group of treatment providers discuss the unique cardiology issues for women.


5:00-5:25 PM    Registration, Dinner and Networking

5:25-5:30 PM    Workshop Opening
Karen Rosene-Montella, MD, FACP, Chair, Women’s Health Council of RI

5:30-5:35 PM    Breathe Easy Mindfulness Exercise
Laura McPeake, MD

5:35-7:30 PM    Multidisciplinary Panel Presentation
Panel Facilitator: Peg Miller, MD, FACP, Co-chair, Women’s Health Council of RI

Agenda from the Adolescent Girls’ Healthcare Workshop (2012)

Talking with Teens: A Practical Approach

Panel Dialogues between youth leaders and the providers who care for them.


5:00-5:50 PM    Registration, Box Dinner and Exhibition Viewing

5:50-6:00 PM    Workshop Opening Mary Reich Cooper, MD, JD

6:00-6:20 PM    Introduction: A Strengths-Based Approach Patricia Flanagan, MD

6:20-7:35 PM    PANEL DIALOGUES: Introductions by Rosa E. DeCastillo
PANEL 1    Teen Pregnancy: Prevention, Behaviors, Resources
Beata Nelken, MD
Jenylez Hance-Paneto
Adrian Molina
PANEL 2    Teen Substance Abuse: Prevention, Behaviors, Resources
Selby Conrad, PHD,
Colleen Hench
PANEL 3    Health Issues in the Teen LGBTQQ* Community: Prevention, Behaviors, Resources
Michelle Forcier, MD
Anita Parenty

7:35-7:55  Panel Q&A
Maureen Phipps, MD, Facilitator

7:55-8:00 Closing Remarks
Mary Reich Cooper, MD, JD

*LGBTQQ: Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, Transsexual, Queer and Questioning

Agenda from the Intimate Partner Violence Workshop (2011)

Identification, Intervention & Community Resources: Our most recent Critical Workshop Training on Intimate Partner Violence. The Women’s Health Council of RI invited providers meet with a range of IPV experts who taught participants how to identify, intervene, and provide community-based resources for women experiencing partner abuse. If you’d like more information now about recognizing and responding to Partner Violence, please visit this website provided by the Domestic Violence Task Force at Women & Infants Hospital.


5:30 – 6:00 PM  Opening Comments                                                            
Welcome Constance A. Howes, JD WHC Mission and IPV
About IPV Amy S. Gottlieb, MD; Sarah C. DeCataldo Why we’re here
Panel Introduction Deborah DeBare,  Facilitator Meet the range of IPV experts present

6:00-6:30PM  Addressing IPV
Women’s Health  Amy S. Gottlieb, MD Screening for IPV
Behavioral Health Margaret Howard, PhD Understanding mental health effects
Children’s Health Amy Goldberg, MD Kids who witness

6:30–7:10 PM  Responses to IPV                                                                   
Initial Assessment Sandra Shaw, MS, RN How to conduct an assessment
Safety Planning Jennifer Lang, MSW, LCSW Creating a safety plan
Resources Sarah C. DeCataldo, Day One Whom to call and what happens
Law Enforcement Detective Sgt. William Merandi Police and court response

7:10–7:30 PM  The Window Forward                                                          
Systems-Based Change Amy S. Gottlieb, MD Creating institutional protocols
Patient Experience Yvonne Heredia, MSN, RN, CDOE Transition from victim to survivor

7:30-8:00PM Closing Q&A with Panelists
Mary Reich Cooper, MD, JD What did we learn?

Agenda from the Smoking Cessation & Prevention Workshop (2011)

A free workshop, focused on what you can do now, using available resources, to help your patients quit.


5:30-5:40    Welcome and Introductions
Event Moderator Karen Rosene-Montella, MD

5:40-6:10    How We Are Helping
Reimbursement, Regulations and Public Policy Patricia A. Nolan, MD, MPH; Jennifer Wood, JD

6:10-6:40    Assessing the Risks
Getting your patient’s attention Margaret Miller, MD; Athena Poppas, MD

6:40-7:10    Motivating Patients
Recognizing teachable moments Belinda Borrelli, PhD; Sara Ryan, DAc

7:10-7:40    Making It Work
Incorporating cessation practices Theresa Mrozak, RN; Amity Rubeor, DO

7:40-7:55    How You Can Help
Integrating what you already know?with what we’ve learned today Karen Rosene-Montella, MD

7:55-8:00    Closing Comments
Mary Reich Cooper, MD, JD

Agenda from the Healthy Work, Healthy Women Workshop Spring (2014)

Healthy Work and Healthy Women: Tools for Transformation

Continuing the strategic conversation started at our 2013 Fourth Annual Quality Conference: Healthy Work and Healthy Women, Today Issues for Women in the Workplace. Through case studies, role playing, and discussions with experts we will embrace the tools to transform how you and your patients function in the workplace. Come join the conversation.


5:00-5:30 PM     Registration, Dinner and Networking

5:30-5:35 PM     Workshop Opening
Karen Rosene-Montella, MD Co-chair, Women’s Health Council of RI

5:35-5:55 PM     Transforming Perceptions: Negotiating Can Be Fun
Lisa Bergeron, President, Leading Women New England Exercise

5:55-6:05 PM     Transforming Attitudes: Reframing Accomplishment and Avoiding Negative Self-Talk
Judith Hoffman, Executive Director, Coastline EAP

6:05-7:05 PM     Practicing the Tools: Women Must Ask
Facilitated small group work on Negotiation Strategies and Presentation

7:05-7:20 PM     Transforming Action: Get involved to help Policy influence Culture
Marcia Cone, CEO, Women’s Fund Rhode Island

7:20-7:55 PM     Brainstorming: What should be our next steps
Small group brainstorming

7:55-8:00 PM Closing
Carrie B. Feliz, MPH, Providence Public School System

Agenda from the 5th Annual Women’s Health Conference Fall (2014)

Women and Body Image: Reclaiming, Recovering

An intimate look at teenage and adult issues through poetry, movement and conversations with patients and providers.


5:00-5:30 PM    Registration, Dinner and Networking

5:30-5:40 PM    Welcome
Karen Rosene-Montella, MD, Chair, Women’s Health Council of RI

5:40-6:25 PM    Poetry and Movement: Portrait of a Teenage Girl
Colleen Cavanaugh, MD, Ob/Gyn, Lifespan Physicians Group, Artistic Director of Part of the Oath; and three students

6:25-6:55 PM    Provider and Patient Dialogue  
Catherine Gordon, MD, MSc, Director, Division of Adolescent Medicine, Hasbro Children’s Hospital; and her patient

6:55-7:35 PM    Panel Discussion: Issues that Complicate & Issues for Adults
Facilitator – Abigail Donaldson, MD, Medical Director, Hasbro Children’s Hospital Eating Disorder Program
Panelist – Amy Funkenstein, MD, Attending Psychiatrist, Young Adult Behavioral Health Program, Lifespan
Panelist – Katharine Phillips, MD, Director, Body Dysmorphic Disorder Program, Rhode Island Hospital
Panelist – Barbara Morse Silva, Channel 10 Health Reporter

7:35-8:00 PM    Questions and Answers: Ask the Experts

Agenda from the 4th Annual Women’s Health Conference: Issues for Women in the Workplace Fall (2013)

Healthy Work, Healthy Women: Today’s issues for women in the workplace. Including dynamic discussions with Susan Colantuono of Leading Women, Judy Hoffman of Coastline EAP, and Marcia Coné of Women’s Fund RI.


5:00-5:20 PM    Registration, Dinner & Networking

5:20-5:30 PM    Workshop Opening, Survey Results & Health Impact
Karen Rosene-Montella, MD, Chair, Women’s Health Council RI

5:30-6:00 PM No, It’s Not Just You! (Gender Dynamics & Life at Work)
Susan Colantuono, CEO and founder of Leading Women

6:00-6:20 PM What Women Tells Us on Their Phone On the Way from the Office
Judith Hoffman, LICSW, CEAP, Executive Director Coastline EAP

6:20-6:30 PM Mini Stress Reduction
Ellen Flynn, MD, Women’s Medicine Collaborative, Lifespan

6:30-7:30 PM Interactive Discussion
Facilitator: Karen Rosene-Montella
Susan Colantuono
Marcia Cone, PhD
Judith Hoffman, LICSW, CEAP

7:30-7:50 PM Cultural Shift Courtesy of Public Policy: Moving Forward
Marcia Cone, CEO Women’s Fund RI

7:50-8:00 PM Closing
Stacy Paterno Co-chair, Women’s Health Council of RI



Agenda from the Socioeconomic Stressors Workshop (2013)

Wrap Around Solutions to Socioeconomic Stressors: dialogues with providers and payers.


5:00-5:30 PM    Registration, Buffet Dinner and Networking

5:30-5:35 PM    Workshop Opening: Karen Rosene-Montella, MD  Co-chair, Women’s Health Council of RI

5:35-5:45 PM    Overview: Current Socioeconomic Gaps in Care
Linda Katz, JD  Cofounder and Policy Director, Economic Progress Institute

5:45-6:05 PM    Cultivating Youth Wellbeing: Evidence2Success
Carrie B. Feliz, MPH Director of Strategic Community Partnerships, Providence Public School Department.

6:05 -6:25 PM    Providing Integrative Care: The Women’s Medicine Collaborative
Margaret Miller, MD Director, The Women’s Medicine Collaborative.

6:25-7:30 PM     Wrap-around Dialogues: A Panel Discussion
Facilitator: Linda Katz, JD Economic Progress Institute.
Nora Conroy, Legal Assistant, Amos House Guest.
Nancy Harrison, Clinical Quality Specialist, United Health Care.
Eileen Hayes, MSW  President & CEO, Amos House.
Jacqueline Lefebvre  Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island.
Michelle Lupoli, RN, MS, CCM  Director, Medical Management, Neighborhood Health Plan.
Bernadette McDowell, RN  Warwick Public Schools
Suzanne McLaughlin, MD  Internist & Pediatrician, RI Hospital.

7:30-8:00PM Q&A and Close
Facilitator: Karen Rosene-Montella, MD, Co-Chair Women’s Health Council of RI

Agenda from the Eating Disorders in Women Workshop Spring (2015)

Eating Disorders in Women Identifying, Treating, Healing

Continuing the conversation started at our 2014 Annual Quality Conference, a multi-disciplinary group of providers will discuss the practicalities of recognizing the signs, providing treatment and helping to heal adult and adolescent women with eating disorders.


5:00-5:25 PM    Registration, Dinner and Networking

5:25-5:30 PM    Workshop Opening: Karen Rosene-Montella, MD, Chair, Women’s Health Council of RI

5:30-7:00 PM    Multi-disciplinary Panel Presentation
Overview: Teri Pearlstein, MD
Diagnosis and Individual Psychotherapy:  Christina Boisseau, PhD
Psychiatric Treatment: Teri Pearlstein, MD
Role of Dietitian: Adriana Brayman, RD, LDN, CNSC
Medical Complications and Inpatient Care: Abigail Donaldson, MD
Family Based Treatment: Christina Tortolani, PhD

7:00-7:30 PM    Conversation with a Patient: Adriana Brayman, RD, LDN, CNSC  

7:30-8:00 PM    Q&A with all speakers