Agenda from the Intimate Partner Violence Workshop (2011)

Identification, Intervention & Community Resources: Our most recent Critical Workshop Training on Intimate Partner Violence. The Women’s Health Council of RI invited providers meet with a range of IPV experts who taught participants how to identify, intervene, and provide community-based resources for women experiencing partner abuse. If you’d like more information now about recognizing and responding to Partner Violence, please visit this website provided by the Domestic Violence Task Force at Women & Infants Hospital.


5:30 – 6:00 PM  Opening Comments                                                            
Welcome Constance A. Howes, JD WHC Mission and IPV
About IPV Amy S. Gottlieb, MD; Sarah C. DeCataldo Why we’re here
Panel Introduction Deborah DeBare,  Facilitator Meet the range of IPV experts present

6:00-6:30PM  Addressing IPV
Women’s Health  Amy S. Gottlieb, MD Screening for IPV
Behavioral Health Margaret Howard, PhD Understanding mental health effects
Children’s Health Amy Goldberg, MD Kids who witness

6:30–7:10 PM  Responses to IPV                                                                   
Initial Assessment Sandra Shaw, MS, RN How to conduct an assessment
Safety Planning Jennifer Lang, MSW, LCSW Creating a safety plan
Resources Sarah C. DeCataldo, Day One Whom to call and what happens
Law Enforcement Detective Sgt. William Merandi Police and court response

7:10–7:30 PM  The Window Forward                                                          
Systems-Based Change Amy S. Gottlieb, MD Creating institutional protocols
Patient Experience Yvonne Heredia, MSN, RN, CDOE Transition from victim to survivor

7:30-8:00PM Closing Q&A with Panelists
Mary Reich Cooper, MD, JD What did we learn?